Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation.
An admirer holds the key to more happiness.
Hmmmmm.....this might cause some problems for the next fortune.
Your love life will be happy and harmonious.
It currently is I think.
Sell your ideas–they are totally acceptable.
"Cotton candy coated corn dogs $4. Got 'em here. Git yer Cotton candy coated corn dogs only $4. Get 'em here."
The world is a grand comedy to your sense of humor.
Uh huh.
Dedicate yourself with a calm mind to the task at hand.
I can't imagine how great it would be to have a calm mind. I really don't know the last time I would consider my mind calm. I really don't know that it's ever been like that. Believe me, it's not a good thing.
Beautiful things await you.
Also good.
Good health will be yours for a long time.
I've always said that I had a superior immune system. This only confirms that.
Soon you will encounter a whole new world of opportunity.
Luck is the residue of design.
So is disaster if you're referring to the Bush administration. One day I'll let it go, but so much damage was done in such a small period that it will take time.
When it gets dark enough you can see the stars.
I like this one. That's a good thought to keep in mind.
Others recognize your sweet nature.
Also highly doubtful.
Everything will now come your way.
It's about time.
One look is worth ten thousand words.
Highly doubtful.
One who admires you greatly is hidden before your eyes.
Why? Why doesn't that person reveal their self? Is that correct grammar?
You are independent politically.
Not sure what that means.
Life to you is a dashing bold adventure.
This is without a doubt the best fortune I've ever gotten. Not sure if it's a well known phrase, but it's a great lyric from Angel Dust...the greatest Faith No More album. Always love listening to that.
Hope has no other desire but to fulfill itself.
What about to go fuck itself?
Your future will be happy and productive.
Well my past certainly wasn't so I guess it's good that my future will be.
You are able to juggle many tasks.
That is true.
A man's best possession is a sympathetic wife.
I like how that wife is a possession in this fortune. It's like instantly being transported to 1954. Vin Scully was probably the broadcaster back then as well.
Whatever you are, you are. Be proud of it.
Okay whatever.
You are interested in public service and would make an outstanding statesman.
I probably would. Thanks for thinking of me in that light.
You are inclined to come up with unconventional solutions.
True dat.
Two small jumps are sometimes better than one big leap.
No comment.
Each man is the smith of his own fortune.
The names Buban.
Happy events will take place shortly in your home.
I hope so!
You will win success in whatever calling you adopt.
I don't know. After talking to Daymen today, I feel as if I'm going to get in some trouble Tuesday when I head into work. Definitely not my fault, as I obviously did not know the extent of the job, so not sure that will be successful. But fuck it. I really spend way too much time thinking about work. I've been there 6 years and if I'm pretty sure I won't be getting the benefit of the doubt come Tuesday.
The will of the people is the best law.
Actually that should probably be the will of the majority of the people is the best law. Supposedly the "will of the people" is why we have so many bullshit laws in this country.
Your future is as boundless as the lofty heaven.
Not sure I believe in this heaven theory, but I think I understand the thinking behind the fortune. It'd be nice if someday I actually believed this fortune. That would probably help me out quite a bit.
Your principles mean more to you than any money or success.
I'd sure like to test this fortune.
You will advance socially without effort on your part.
I'm pretty sure this isn't true. I'm pretty socially awkward. Put me in a room full of people I don't know and I may never say anything. Put me in a room full of people I do know and I may say some stuff. Put me in a room full of people related to me and I'll say less.
In great attempts it is glorious even to fall.
I initially typed, In great attempts it is glorious even to fail. I'm not sure that there's much of a difference, but I put it back to the original.
You are an individual interested in forward thrust and the future.
I like to fuck. Especially when it involves time travel.
There is no security on this earth; there is only opportunity.
What? I probably don't understand this for the same reasons that I still work as a printer.
The world is a grand comedy to your sense of humor.
Is it just me or does anyone else like to piss into their empty beer bottles instead of taking another trip to the bathroom? Well maybe it's just me.
You will participate in a gala affair.
Uhh...okay. Talk about your generic crappy fortune. Thanks. You will participate in a conference call. You will participate in a online survey. Okay enough with this fortune.
Your winsome smile will be your sure protection.
Not even sure what winsome means. Is that...I can't even think of an adjective to use to complete my thoughts. Let's check the dictionary. Okay I doubt that's the case, but maybe sometime.
You have a keen sense of humor and love a good time.
I would have to agree with this one. I think I kept this fortune on my keyboard for a long time. I do have a keen sense of humor.
Back away from individuals who are impulsive.
Completely agree.
You are a bundle of energy. Always on the go.
Probably the least accurate fortune I've ever received.
You will have an enjoyable experience in the near future.
Just masturbated....twice. The fortune was wrong by one.
You are altruistic and will be involved in many humanitarian projects.
This would be good.
Generosity and perfection are your everlasting goals.
I agree with this actually. I can remember working on a stripping project in Graphics class a long time ago and I didn't get it right the first time and I was pretty annoyed with myself. Had no interest in doing it again in order to get it right. Still don't know why that didn't work.
Your success in life must be earned with earnest efforts.
Fuck that.
Soon you will be sitting on the top of the world.
Probably depends on this persons definition of soon, but if this is indeed the case, that's pretty cool. I'm ready for it.
Happy people need no particular cause to be happy.
That's probably a pretty true statement about people who are happy needing no particular cause to be happy. I imagine the opposite is also just as accurate. Unhappy people need no particular reason to be unhappy. I suppose life sucks a lot more for the unhappy person. Wise thoughts indeed Dave.