Thursday, January 6, 2011

More Fortunes

You will be showered with good luck tomorrow!

Not sure what happened the day after I got this one, so I don't really know if it came true or not. Perhaps I could have paid a bit more attention.

First to start does not mean the first to cross the finish line.

That's a good point. I'm 36 years old and that's pretty damn far into life as far as my thinking goes, but it just goes to show that it's not too late to start something else. Especially when you consider how much closer I am to the finish line.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

I have no idea what the hell this means. Talk about a shitty fortune cookie. Wonder which Chinese place this one came from, so I don't bother ordering their bullshit again.

He that can't endure the bad will not live to see the good. 

You probably already know what I could write in response to this one, so I won't bother. Needless to say I've felt some good lately and it's an excellent change of pace. I expect more of it.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The New Year.

So I suppose it's time for some resolutions to start off the new year, eh? Well too bad, I don't have any to share with you nor did I write any for myself. Nothing needs to change. Things are fantastic! A-OK! Dynamite! Well not really, but things are pretty good. The turn of the calendar year is a good thing this time around. And anyway, I lied...I did write up some resolutions. Things need to change and the only way for that to happen is to make the changes yourself.

In case you're wondering the bird has nothing to do with the resolutions or the new year. Just a picture I decided to add for the sake of having the ability to add, subtract, divide, but hopefully not multiply.

Number one resolution is to start conquering this world of photography. I've stagnated quite a bit for no good reason and it's high time I chose to stop that stagnation. I've had a wealth of knowledge sitting an arms length away for almost a year now and done nothing with it.

Number two resolution is to start writing more often, thus this blog post a mere five days into 2011. Now just to clarify, me writing more does not necessarily mean it will be entertaining or interesting or witty or even bearable. It just means I'll write more. Perhaps I'll write an essay about bird nostrils. Perhaps an article about telephones and those who use them. Perhaps something about trucks and long distances travelled. I don't really know what I'll write about, but gosh dangit, I will write.

Number three resolution is to use the phrase gosh dangit more often in honor of my old friend Travis Shaw. I believe he married and moved off to another continent, but I can't recall which one.

Number four resolution is, well let's just keep it at three for the time being. I don't want to overload your sensory capabilities with my amazing resolution setting ways. That would be bad. No reason for that. None whatsoever. In fact to slow things down a bit, I just want you to know that I'm eating a corned beef sandwich with pepper jack cheese. Pepper jack? Really? Yeah I know it was a tough decision I faced at the deli counter Monday night, but I thought, what the hell, it's a new year...go for it Dave! And so I did go for it. Was it the right choice? Perhaps. Perhaps not. But it was my choice and three dollars later, it was my cheese.

So there you have it. New year. New cheese. New resolutions.