Sunday, February 20, 2011

Nothing But Fortune.

I have nothing to write. Life is passing by slowly bit by bit and I've just been following along for the most part. Not sure where it's leading actually so I'll just add some more fortunes I've received...well besides the $900 Super Bowl square I won. Nor shall I mention the $1300+ bucks I received from land my deceased Aunt apparently owned somewhere in the great state of California. I think that's all the unexpected least of the monetary kind.

How dark is dark? How wise is wise?
This is stupid.

Never Judge a work of art by its defects. 
What am I supposed to judge then? By the way I've been reading Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. One of the more difficult books I've read in quite a while. I've got some grasp  of what's going on, but for the most part there are many passages that just leave me bewildered.

A good beginning is half the task. 
That's true I suppose. Like this morning. I woke up at 8:30 am and got on with my day. So far it's been somewhat productive. Nice to wake up not hungover and not tired. Desk is clean. Clothes are almost put away. Photos have been downloaded. Work has been done on self. A bit of a shame that it's raining outside, but much better than snow.

All things come to him who goes after them.
I don't know how this him character is, but I feel as if I'm not related in any shape or form.

You achieve great peace of mind when you talk with an old friend.
This is probably true unless you call that old friend to bitch and complain about what a shitty friend he or she really are. That usually doesn't result in peace of mind, though I suppose if you had to get it off your chest and that person really were a bad friend, perhaps it would. I retract my first sentence as I proved myself wrong one sentence later.

The situation is changeable, yet you cannot push the river. 
This is true. I've been doing some work today and last night to help me realize that things can change. Sometimes being stuck is easier. Actually it's almost always easier. Dangit.

Your heart is pure, and your mind is clear, and soul devout. 
Perhaps my heart is pure, but my mind is never clear. Yoga helped that for about a minute quite a few classes ago. I need to turn in my 10 pack of classes Groupon and get back there. I don't know what a devout soul means.

Well that's it for the fortunes. Not sure where these all came from as I haven't eaten all that much Chinese food lately. There they go into the trash can which was empties once already today. Speaking of Groupons, I also need to call for the cleaning service one I bought last week as this place isn't in the best of shape.

I haven't been drinking enough water lately. Not sure if you've noticed or not, but it's true. I missed the sun today. There was quite a bit of it this past week and to have a dreary, rainy day was a bit disappointing. Not that I was needing to get out of the house for anything, but I did turn down a couple dinner invitations and the rain did have a small part in those decisions. Mostly it's because it's Sunday night and I just don't really like to go out on Sundays. Tomorrow is the start of another week at work and I sort of like to take it easy and relax Sunday night.