Went to The Beetle earlier for a couple of drinks with Andrew and my brother Dan. On the way out I picked up a business card from a photographer who is apparently being featured on the wall at the bar for some unknown length of time. Needless to say I was very impressed by the business card, as it's clean and simple and printed on a nice, uncoated stock. Not so impressed having visited the website and looking at the photographs. Just didn't really strike me as all that impressive. Being somewhat of an amateur photographer with nothing to hang my hat on, I don't really care to be negative, but what can I say...I wasn't all that interested. What can you do? Well first I'll spit out my gum, but as to the photos, they just didn't mean anything to me. Anyway kudos to this person for showing off their photographs.
Other than that...hell, I don't know. Finished a good book on Abraham Lincoln the other day. Sitting on this yoga ball, or exercise ball, or whatever the hell it is that I've had in my room for a year now and have obviously never used it for exercise. Needed my chair for the dining room table, as the roommates and I had a Swiss woman staying the night due to some unforeseen circumstances with Justin's sister/full capacity at the Chicago hostel/and whatever else I don't know. Anyway she seems to be a good person, so if she needs a place to crash, that's just fine with me. This is a good Fruit Bats album by the way, and if you missed them at Lincoln Hall last night, that's too bad, as they were pretty damn excellent.
And speaking of photography, it's about time I got back on the saddle and used my camera. For some reason, I've completely fallen off the past few months. Why don't they have a pill for motivation? I'd be willing to be a test subject if something is in the testing stages.
That's all I've got. Have a good night.