If there was ever a more beautiful celebration than this, well I certainly wasn't present and I didn't hear anything about it. All sorts of little kids walking down the aisle dressed in their Saturdays best and ready to start a lifelong devotion to praising Jesus. It just tickles the bones, doesn't it? I remember when I started down that path and I also remember when I hopped off that path, but that's not to say that these kids will follow my lead. For everyone's sake, let's hope they don't, or else they're bound to be sitting in their room thirty plus years from now typing up a blog while drinking a Busch and listening to L.O.V.E Machine by W.A.S.P.
Unfortunately, Sydney had some pretty swank VIP communion seats so she was way up the aisle towards the altar and I couldn't really get a good look at her, but I did manage to stretch my neck out far enough to see her accept her first delicious communion wafer from the priest. I'm not sure why the priest didn't explain that they were technically eating Jesus' flesh at this point, but he didn't. Perhaps knowing this, that's why my brother, sister and Mary didn't bother leaving the pew to accept communion for themselves? I wanted to and tried to get out there, but in the end I decided perhaps I'd better not, lest they run out of hosts and some unlucky tyke wouldn't be able to understand the pleasure of having one attach itself to the roof of their mouth. Though in hindsight, they'll have plenty more opportunity for that.
Fortunately, the cookies at the after-party were not nearly as dry and much tastier. I can't say the same for the lemonade, as it was somewhat dry and devoid of taste, but that's just a minor quibble. The Catholic church was never really known for their lemonade. The fun didn't stop there though, as Janet and Will hosted an after-after-party at Francesca's downtown, which turned into one giant feeding frenzy, except for Kelly as he doesn't eat anything except steak. Regardless of that, it was quite a good time so I'd like to thank you both for the invite!
Well enough of this nonsense, let's get onto the photo portion of this blog.
Here's Sydney and the priest after the service. I don't know his name, though it's probably on the program, but there are two priests listed and I don't know which one he is, so he'll just be labeled as the priest...not to be confused with the Priest, as in Judas Priest, the greatest heavy metal band of all-time.
Let's be honest, these candles are one of the more interesting things to look at in most churches (though the stained glass windows were pretty sweet in this one), and Sydney being pretty darned smart knew where she needed to be or was it just that Ruth forced her over there and made her pose? I'm not sure, but it was a good photo opportunity, that's for sure. Too bad they aren't real candles, but at least the fire hazard is lessened.
Looks like someone decided to cozy up at the bar, once she realized it was church every Sunday from here on out. I can't blame her and I apologize that the photo isn't in better focus, but Sydney won't be either after downing a few glasses of that red.
Typical cute picture of Avery. Giant eyes strike again, and I don't know what they were putting in those plastic cups, but all the kids were sucking them up like it was their last drink on earth. Perhaps I should've switched over from the wine?
Sydney slowly coming to the understanding of what actually happened earlier that morning.
Avery enjoying a bit of frivolity with some friends. I don't know what that lump in the bottom left corner of the photo is, but I don't think it really matters, so please pay no attention to it.
Here's my Uncle Lou laughing at something my Uncle Bill (blurry guy on the right) or my Uncle Mike might have said (not pictured, but would be blurry person on the left if he was). I don't believe I have any pictures of Uncle Lou, so I made it a point to try and take a few since he was seated opposite me a couple tables away.
Sydney getting a bit of help from her Father. Perhaps trying to figure out how her horses fared at the Derby.
"David...I don't care what you think and I'm tired of your picture taking! I need a drink so just turn around and leave me be. I'll drink as much as I need to drink to get by."
To answer your questions about why I don't use the flash on my camera here is exhibit A. I didn't actually use the flash, someone else's camera flashed as I took my picture, but there's something different about this picture as opposed to all the rest. I'll let you figure that out. Flash is fine if you can control it correctly, but I don't have those means at this point in time. I'll have to suffer with my sometimes out of focus photos until I acquire the necessary items. Regardless, here's the De La Fuente family in all their flash glory...well not all of them, but a good contingent anyways.
From left to right...my Mom, my Aunt Helen and my sister Janet all enjoying the festivities.
Sydney watching Avery and some friends trying to escape the party. More plastic cup deliciousness as well.
Sydney celebrated a birthday a few days earlier, but had the chance to blow out another candle for all those who may have missed out on the earlier celebration. I'm sure it was a delicious profiterole, but not delicious enough to put down the cup.
Dan managed to last halfway through the party, but sleepy time came calling and there was no use in fighting.
Here's another shot of nappy Dan, this time with a little bit of his surroundings. Can someone please get him a blankey?
The focus leaves something to be desired, but those are some seriously huge eyeballs right there.
I also didn't have many photos of my Uncle Bill and he was also sitting a few tables away so I did my best to capture his Billness. I think I did a pretty good job with this one.
Well, well, well...put a few roses in his hand and look who wakes right up! Perhaps his eyes were just having trouble adjusting to the dim light inside without his sweet f*ck me glasses.* Me thinks there might have been some loving going on inside that vehicle after Dan and Holly exited the premises.
So that was that. A lovely way to spend an afternoon. I suppose I should include the morning, but I was trapped inside a church for a good hour and we all know that's no fun.
*Mom, it's not swearing if I use an asterisk inside the word. How's that for compromise?