I had a long, monotonous day at work today. Printing can be rather monotonous and routing can be even more monotonous sometimes. It's just the nature of the business. I do like my job. I like the people there. I like the culture. I like the work ethic of helping out wherever and whenever it's needed. I like the fact that salespeople and owners pitch in and help out when it's needed. And I'm not talking about giving advice or helping production for a half hour here and there. I'm talking about them spending a good portion of the day taping up boxes so the job gets out on time. I appreciate that sort of effort. It's nice to see it from just about everyone in the company, including myself. I've spent many days, when I don't have to print things on the press, taping up boxes, or applying easels to the back of a thousand pieces of foam-cor so that DeVry University and Minor League Baseball can get their message out to where they want it. And very rarely, so far, has it bothered me. Headphones, podcasts and music help out with that, but if everyone didn't help out, it wouldn't be nearly as easy to endure. It's often mindless, repetitive work, that would normally drive me mad, but it hasn't.
WIT! Whatever It Takes, as I was taught at an old company that certainly did not have this kind of pervasive work ethic. You can't force this sort of thing down the throats of your employees if you don't also back it up by doing it yourself. It's not a mantra at this company, it's how everyone goes about their business. If I need help with something and ask, I get the help I need. If someone needs help with something, I help them with it. Do I always show up with a smiley face, ready to do the best I can. Of course not, but it's a lot easier here than at just about every other job I've ever had.
Printing isn't the most exciting job in the world, but I think most jobs are like that. If you don't love what you do, it's going to pretty much be the same thing time and time again and over and over again and you're going to end up despising waking up for work at some point or another. Do I love printing? Not necessarily. Do I have to love it? Probably not. Do I appreciate how much work it is to create something for a client, regardless of the fact that almost no one knows a damn thing about printing, even though they encounter it constantly throughout every single day of their existence? I do. It's a means to an end at this point, but it's nice to work for a company that makes it much easier to enjoy the work. I put in 25 hours of overtime last week, which I haven't done in many, many years, if ever. It made for a nice paycheck and it was nice to pay off more of my debt (40% knocked off in the past four months by the end of June), but it wasn't all that awesome working Saturday and Sunday and then working three 12 hour shifts during the week. Waking up at 5:00 am is not something I can do easily. The bike ride to work was a lot faster without the traffic though. Funny thing is, I've only worked three weekend days in the five months I've been at this job, and they've all been spent running equipment that I wasn't hired to run. It's a good thing to learn new tasks.
So my decision is that I'm going to give my notice tomorrow.
I'm moving on.
I'm selling most of my possessions and I'm going to hop on the next freight car heading West. It's time for a bit of adventure. I'm in the process of cashing out my 401K. I'll pay off the rest of my debt and then I'm outta this place. I don't belong in Chicago anymore. It's lost it's luster. Or lustre, if you prefer that spelling. I know, I know, it's a completely different definition with that spelling, but it's a printing term, so I threw it in here for fun. This hasn't been an easy decision, but I gotta do what I gotta do. Armed with my ancient laptop and my camera and some clothes and my iPod, I'll be just fine. I'll make my own way into the distance and I'll be sure to let you all know about it from time to time. Change has never been easy for me, as you probably know from the past few months, but embracing change is what I need to do. Accepting it just doesn't cut it anymore. Take big leaps and risks...blah, blah, blah...you know the tune, but it's time. Leaving my friends and family and the most exciting, youthful Cubs team I've ever known isn't going to be easy. FYI, I've got some Cubs tickets for sale. I don't know where I'm going or where I'm going to end up, but I'll figure it out and I'll be more content with life along the way. This is long overdue.
I turned down a free My Morning Jacket ticket from one of my best friends in the whole wide world today. The show is tomorrow night. I've seen them numerous times and they are great live, but I need to get some things done back at the homestead. And now, my brother Dan just texted me about going to see the Pixies and Robert Plant tomorrow night. I'm contemplating it, as the Pixies are pretty fucking great and I haven't seen them in quite a while. And yes, I prefer the solo work of Frank Black to the Pixies, but that work is just an extension of what came before, and what came before was some of the most influential, original music to be created since Warrant released Cherry Pie back in the 80's. How can I pass this up?
I'm not quitting my job. I'm not moving. All of that was lies. I'm just trying to decide whether I should go to the Pixies show tomorrow night. Sorry I lied to you. Fortunately, all the stuff about work was true. I'll be back there tomorrow and hopefully I'll be there for quite a while. I can work on the things I need to do to be happy and still have this job at the same time. Just have to organize my time a bit more to make it all fit in. We all have the same amount of time each day, right? Spending it on the things we need to spend it on is the key. I'd like to say I lost that insight, but I'm not sure I ever had it in the first place. I'm trying to discover it now. I'm trying to put it into practice. I'm trying to appreciate each moment as it occurs or at least just take it for what it is with the realization that I'm the one that gives those moments whatever truth I want to give them. I'm the one who decides how to process everything that happens in this lifetime. I'm the only one who can flip the switch from negative to at least neutral and preferably positive.
So many decisions to make along the way as each moment appears.