Monday, March 28, 2011

The Fortunate One

Good things are coming to you in due course of time. 
Due course of time? What the hell kind of vague time frame is that? As if I have that kind of time on my hands to wait for good things? I'm fucking 37 years old now. My time on this planet is coming rapidly to a close. I can't have a fortune that promises me something in the future, as there may not be one. Okay whatever. I guess I'll just wait for these good things to come in due course of time and in the meantime, I'll sit and do nothing while waiting.

You will always be surrounded by true friends. 
You know I've often wondered about this. What is a true friend and how do you really know whether they are true or not. I've had very good friends who did some odd things every now and again which made me wonder how true of a friend they actually were, but I suppose it all worked out in the end.

Anyway the title of this post was not only referencing the two fortunes I received from my Chinese food last night, but also the fact that I now have a whopping three people following this blog. I feel very fortunate to have this kind of support a mere two/three years into this project. With this kind of popularity this blog will soon be taking over the blogosphere. I don't know how I'll react to this kind of success, but I'm sure it won't change me all that much. Perhaps I'll be able to hire someone to write jibberish in my place so I can concentrate on doing nothing. Yeah that's the ticket. Perhaps I'll steal more lines from Jon Lovitz and force my hired help to laugh. Well I'll have to think about all this some more, but for now...bed time. Thanks for your support folks.

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