Wednesday, August 17, 2016

75% Off This Blog Post!

I'm sitting on the couch watching the Cubs put up some Crooked Hillary numbers during a half inning versus the stupid Brewers. I can't say with any amount of accuracy if the players on the Brewers are stupid or not, but let's be honest, baseball players probably aren't the brightest bunch. Lots of them played ball all their life and never went to college, so I think my assessment has some merit.

Went and got a haircut down the street at the place across from the soon to maybe reopen Davis Theatre. I can't remember the name of the haircut place, as it's not the most clever name I've ever heard, but for $15 they give a pretty solid haircut. I decided on extra short this time for no particular reason. It's summertime. Why do I need hair? The answer is I don't need hair. That is the answer. Also the answer to the name of the place is Studio 4 Hair. Dumb name, but they do have 4.5 out of 5 stars on Yelp, so regardless of the name, they must be doing something right.

Speaking of rights, Hillary is going to take all of yours away as soon as she's sworn into office. You might want to start using them now before they're gone for good. At the very least, post a meme on Facebook about Benghazi or an email server or something. Or don't. I totally get it if you're too upset to do anything. Too distraught. I shouldn't bother saying anything as I know this is a pretty sensitive subject for a lot of folks. I wish there was something I could do to help you feel better about the next four years, but there isn't...oh wait, back the truck up and hold on a second...what's that over there on that shelf for 75% off at my local Lincoln Square Walgreens? And no, I'm not talking about the Hombron or the Flintstones. Luvena...for all your conservative needs! Now with Cranberry Extract!

Which of these three items seems slightly out of place? 
I had no idea what that Hombron product was until I just posted this picture and took a closer look. Even with these glowing Amazon reviews, I think I'll pass on purchasing any Hombron.

"I think it gave my husband a little more energy. Not sure if it actually works or if it's the placebo effect. More energy overall is a plus."

"Keep up the good work."

Those were the only two reviews.

Keep up the good work sounds more like a review for those Flintstones aspirin, not some Mexican boner pill, but what do I know? The Lord sure does work in mysterious ways, huh?


Unknown said...

Love Studio 4 Hair. Best $15 cut in the city.

dab said...

You are correct, sir!