Saturday, October 16, 2010


It's sort of like reparations, but without all the racist overtones. Still trying to sort out where to put all our crap, especially since roommate number three will be moving in on Sunday. I think we've made some solid progress figuring out how to best utilize the space.

Regardless the space is good. Surround sound got hooked up tonight downstairs. The Apple TV and the stereo upstairs is ready to go. Only 18,000 more songs to download to it, but perhaps it will be finished in the morning, though morning has already begun. I'm not a farmer though so I'll just go to bed and wake up whenever the hell my body decides to wake up. Lately it's been pretty good at that though, so it'll most likely be earlier than I'd prefer. Still too many thoughts running rampant through the mind.

Anyway things are good. I've recovered pretty well for the most part.

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