That's the amount of time that I have left here at work. I've been here for 9.5 hours so far and it's been pretty draining for the most part. I've been running a very long job all day long so I have to sit and babysit the press for the most part. Unfortunately I've been having some sort of feed issue which has caused me much frustration over the past couple days. 90% of the sheets feed fine and 10% have some sort of dog ear/crease/tear in the left side of the gripper area. Fortunately, I think I finally fixed the problem. I knew it wasn't the paper, but couldn't figure it out. I'm not going to tell you the answer, though I imagine you're dying to know. And by the word you, I guess I mean me, because as far as I can tell I'm the only one who reads this blog. However, I know the answer already, so...well, I guess now I'm just confused as to whether you know the answer or not.
Anyway there's not much time left in my work day.
Ink can magenta empty.
All taken care of, no need to worry.
I think I've pretty much assured myself that no one will read this blog if this is the first entry they happen upon. Perhaps I should start up a blog specifically geared toward professionals in the printing industry. God that would be boring. Good way to cure my sporadic bouts of insomnia.
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