Monday, May 4, 2015

10,000 Thanks!

Well it's taken over six years, but I finally reached the vaunted 10,000 page view plateau for Erased Chalkboard, so I'd like to thank all of you for taking the time to read this every now and again! Hopefully this here blog has provided you with some entertainment over those years, and hopefully it will continue to do so for many more years.

I appreciate all of the friends and family and strangers who have bothered to click on the links, and I especially appreciate those who have bothered to click on the links and actually take the time to read what was written. I know in this fast-paced, bit-sized world we live in, reading an actual blog post can be a chore, but I hope it's been worth your while. I've enjoyed writing them, as I need something to do with my time, and it gives me an opportunity to really hone my stupidity.

I suppose it's a drop in the bucket compared to the bajillion clicks some sites get, but I'm pretty happy with that drop.

So here's to another 10,000 page views before the year is out! I'll do my part. Feel free to do your part as well. And heck, while you're at it, share this with others if you think they'd be entertained as well.

I thank all of you from the deepest recesses of my soul! You help to bring back this kids smile.

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