Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Toilings of Today/Ugly Rumors Rested...

I had a dream the other day. Not one of those life changing dreams like MLK had, but it was significant, as the music died that day. I was talking to one of the women who I played with on a baseball team and I was cautiously letting her know I thought it would be best if she stopped playing second base, as she couldn't catch, couldn't field and certainly couldn't throw, not that she'd need to throw, as the ball never once got anywhere near her glove. She laughed and then completely agreed with my assessment. Then she asked me if I had heard that Buddy Holly had just died. I hadn't heard. Sadness descended and overwhelmed.

I guess in that short moment before I woke up I could understand how all those folks felt back on February 3, 1959. Well they probably heard on February 4th or 5th as news didn't get around quite as quickly in those days.

I've invested more of my time the past week or so using Instagram. I like taking pictures. It's an app for sharing photos. Why has it taken me so long to embrace this technology? I don't know. Probably the same reason I resisted buying a digital camera to replace my Pentax K1000. It's odd though as I bought a digital camera long before I bought that Pentax. It wasn't my first camera though, as my Grandma Hogan bought me a cheap camera back when I was in grade school. And by cheap, I mean it was plastic and probably cost $5. I put one roll of film in it and I believe only one of the pictures may have actually turned out, though out of focus and quite uninspiring. It was the thought that counted and I always appreciated that gift, regardless of whether or not it worked. If you want to follow me on Instagram, my username is dbuban. Clever, right? I'm such a social media whore. Anyway, the internet needs more pictures of nonsense and it just so happens that I specialize in nonsense.

Speaking of nonsense, my roommate is watching another documentary show about aliens and mars and NASA and the government and conspiracies and oh Jesus...just let it end. I cannot stand this stupid shit. I could care less if they exist or not, I just hate the TV shows about the subject. Perhaps I need to stop being so judgmental about these things. Probably most things. It's a process.

File this one under roll my eyes and chuckle. The universe has quite a sense of humor sometimes. I don't read my horoscope all that often, but I happened upon a RedEye at work the other day and flipped through it and ran across the horoscope page. Here's what I found.

It just made me chuckle again.

And now, onto the rumor mill...

Now I don't know how this got started, but there's some silly rumor going around that involves me and my bike and a certain bridge on Halsted street near Archer and my face slamming into that bridge. I don't know how rumors get started or even why someone would waste their time starting them. These are things I cannot explain and certainly can't comprehend...which is probably why I can't explain them. I cannot confirm nor deny these ridiculous rumors. I also cannot confirm whether or not my body is battered and sore today. And I certainly don't know if I had to go to CVS to buy some superglue, so my roommate Alex could glue my ear back together. I don't know why these rumors spread so quickly and easily when almost no one could have possibly seen what probably never really happened. I have no idea what it feels like in that instant when you know your face is going to bash into a giant hunk of steel, but I don't imagine it feels all that good. For the person or the bridge. I have no idea who won the battle, but I imagine it was a draw. Ha! Get it? No? Drawbridge! Ha. 

Anyway, stop with the hearsay!

Also I'm fine.

Assuming the super glue actually works. 

Enjoy your evening, my friends!

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